Toronto 2007

Workshop at Walk21 conference
in Toronto, 1 October 2007

Download the programme of the workshop in Toronto
by clicking on this button


The goal of the first workshop on Measuring Walking was to determine if there was sufficient support and common ground for the idea of harmonising and standardising some data collection methods. It turned out to be a day of engaged debates and encouraging comments about what and how walking could and should be measured. As a very positive outcome we reached a principal yet informal agreement on a list of dimensions ranging from counting pedestrians, capturing perceptions and assessing walkability to institutional aspects. Seven speakers provided input for the debate (see program). Their presentations are listed below in order of their ‚appearance‘ and can be downloaded by clicking on their names.


To download the presentations, click on the names of the presenters or on the download button.

Daniel Sauter, Urban Mobility Research, Zurich, Switzerland

Rodney Tolley, Director WALK21, Honorary Research Fellow, Staffordshire University, U.K.

Todd Alexander Litman, Executive Director, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, Victoria, BC, Canada

Craig Raborn, Program Manager, Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, Chapel Hill, U.S.A.

Joanna Kervin and Jennifer Hyland, Transportation Planning, City of Toronto, Canada

Anne Glover, The Access Company, London, U.K.

Paul Cullen, researcher, planner and lecturer, Oxford, U.K.