Sydney 2014

Workshop at Walk21 conference
in Sydney, 20 October 2014

Download the programme of the Sydney workshop by clicking on this button


The 2014 workshop took the opportunity of being down under to hear what new developments in terms of measuring walking are taking place in Australia and New Zealand. A particular interest was on the issue of how data changes perceptions and outcomes.

A draft for an international standard about the treatment of walking travel surveys was presented and discussed – building on results of earlier pre-conference workshops. Further presentations and debates included a report about travel survey data from New South Wales, an emphasis on the importance of data for health measures, a walkability and accessibility rating and a critical view on manual pedestrian counts (see program). All presentations are downloadable below, just click on the names.


To download the presentations, click on the names of the presenters or on the download button.

Daniel Sauter, Urban Mobility Research, Zurich, Switzerland: Welcome and objectives of the day

Miles Tight, Professor of Transport, Energy and Environment, University of Birmingham, UK: Treatment of walking in travel surveys: The case for an international standard

Grace Corpuz, Bureau of Transport Statistics, Transport for New South Wales, Australia: Making our counting count: how walking measurement affects outcomes

Dafna Merom, School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney, Australia: Using transport surveys for health measure of walking

Michael Tanner, Walkability and Accessibility Rating, Bureau of Transport Statistics, Transport for New South Wales, Australia

Cameron Munro, CDM Research, Melbourne, Australia: Why manual counting is wrong… and what to do about it