Overview Workshops

In conjunction with the Walk21 conference series, a number of pre-conference workshops have taken place since. The goal was and is to foster discussion among interested persons from a variety of professional and geographical backgrounds, to exchange good practice and to find common ground for harmonising and standardising performance indicators and measuring methods. The workshops are briefly introduced below and links to more detailed information with the presentations are provided.

Lisbon 2024

Measuring Walking: How to measure walking time and time spent sojourning? This year we will talk about how to best measure time spent walking and sojourning as part of the discussions to specify measuring the indicators agreed. More

Dublin 2022

Measuring Walking: New smart tools and what can be done with good walking data: The workshop focused on new smart tools that can help us generate more and better walking data. We also discussed how these can be used in practice. More

Seoul 2021 (online)

Measuring Walking: the invisible asset and how to make it more visible?: In this 80 minute online session we explored how existing international data sets could be viewed through a walking lens to illustrate the variation in walking experiences internationally. More

Rotterdam 2019

How to collect data with few resources?: At the tenth workshop we discussed the proposed Urban Mobility Indicators by Walk21 and UITP to create a global list of walking and public transport indicators. More

Bogotá 2018

Walkability and the amount of walking: The ninth workshop was dedicated to the question how improved walkability affects the amount of walking? What are the influencing factors and how can data help us understand these issues? More

Calgary 2017

Big Data also for walking? The eigth workshop was dedicated to the question how to better understand travel and pedestrian behaviour with new technologies. On top the City of Calgary presented its travel survey which collects data along the Internatiional Walking Data Standard. More

Vienna 2015

International Walking Data Standard and its benefit: The seventh workshop was fully dedicated to launching the new Data Standard and talking about how it could be implemented widely. The advantages of having comparable data were shown with examples from Vienna. More

Sydney 2014

How data changes perceptions & outcomes: The sixth workshop had a special focus on the Australian and New Zealand context and on travel survey standards. Goal was to learn from each other in terms of transport data for health, manual counting and walkability assessments. More

Munich 2013

Indicator sets: The fifth workshop focused on defining indicator sets and the methods that relate to them. Objective was to establish the outline of an International Walking Data Standard. More

The Hague 2010

Data collection methods: At the fourth workshop, coinciding with the final COST 358 (PQN) conference, we discussed adequate methods for assessing pedestrian flows, sojourning & trip data. We collected ideas about how things should be measured. More

New York City 2009

Performance indicators: The third workshop focused on collecting and selecting relevant indicators for walking and public space, trying to reach a common understanding about what should be measured. More

Barcelona 2008

Counting pedestrians: The second workshop brought together users and producers of automatic counting equipment to exchange experiences and build momentum in a crucial area. More

Toronto 2007

Relevant dimensions: The first workshop focused on what and how walking could and should be measured. A principal agreement on a list of dimensions was reached. More